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I throw myself down among the tall grass by the stream as I lie close to the earth NFT's.

NFTs is an acronym for Non-Fungible Tokens.
Non-Fungible in the sense that they are unique and cannot be interchanged like fungible assets such as Bitcoin. Let’s take for example if you exchange a Bitcoin to get another, nothing changes, you still get the same Bitcoin back — it’s the opposite in the case of NFTs.
Each NFT has a distinct signature used to designate and verify ownership of assets — there is no two original copy.

Same as physical art, four factors contribute towards the value of an NFT art — how expensive it becomes.
The first is the “market-driven value”, which depends on the speculated resale value and popularity of the artist. The second is the “subjective value”. It involves the moral statement or political message that is conveyed by the art — how it makes you feel.
Another value determinant of NFT arts is the “objective value”. This involves the experience and technical skill by which it was created. Lastly is the “historical value” the piece of digital art has.
All these factors contribute to how people value NFTs. “The Merge” which sold at an auction for a whopping USD 91.8 million is the most expensive artwork ever. Each NFT created or minted is unique, and its right can be traced to the owner, and blockchain technology protects this right of ownership.

NFTs can be used to indicate ownership of rare assets which represents real-world items like real estate and artwork.
It’s important to note however that purchasing an NFT that includes the copyright of the original artwork does not mean its copyright is automatically transferred to you. While you can sell the NFT itself, you are prohibited from reproducing or selling its content.

NFTs can be categorized under the High Risk, High Reward investment type. The NFT market is fueled by scarcity and desirability which explains the craze people have about them.
However, pundits warn potential investors — who are over-excited by the unimaginable prices NFTs are being sold — against staking their financial security on NFTs. Same as Initial Coin Offerings, there are high chances you can get scammed in NFTs. You also have to consider the fact that you don’t own the content of the NFTs when investing.
With NFTs, the philosophy of time and chance is a real thing. They are only worth the amount people are willing to pay for them.

NFTs can be treated like stocks — can be bought or sold when their value changes. The best way to make money from NFTs is to buy low and sell when it appreciates.
While you can also create NFTs by minting them, the additional cost of creation such as royalties, account setup fees, site fees (ranges from free to $900), marketplace listing price, and gas fees are factors to consider when calculating profits.

Yes. You can create your NFTs and even sell them for a profit.

The process of creating or minting an NFT is listed below:

  • Step 1: Choose a platform where your wish to sell your NFT
  • Step 2: Set up a Wallet
  • Step 3: Connect your Wallet
  • Step 4: Create an NFT (the cost of creation depends on the quality and size of the artwork).
  • Step 5: List your NFT